Drug Information Question
How long does Lotemax (loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic gel) 0.5% bottle containing 5 grams of gel last when taking four times a day for 1 week?
1 drop of water is 0.05ml which is 0.05g.
0.05g per drop X 4 times daily X 2 eyes = 0.4g
5g per bottle / 0.4 g used per day = 12.5 days
The gel is likely more viscous than water so I estimate that at twice the viscosity a drop of gel would be 0.1g per drop
0.1g per drop X 4 times daily X 2 eyes = 0.8g
5g per bottle / 0.8 g used per day = 6.25 days
The bottle should last the patient approximately a week. Since use of steroid eye drops long term is not recommended, this is appropriate for the patient.
According to the package insert the directions for Lotemax use are follows: “Apply one to two drops of LOTEMAX into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye four times daily beginning the day after surgery and continuing throughout the first 2 weeks of the postoperative period.”
Other information
Lotemax [package insert]. Tampa, FL: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated; 2015.