January 24, 2014

Conferences & Meetings - Opiod use and abuse deterrent strategies

Special Event
Cold Night/Hot Topic – Opiod use and abuse deterrent strategies – 1/24/2014

Last night I attended a special event put together by professors at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. The event speakers discussed various aspects of opiod abuse.  We had a pharmacist discuss his experience in using opiods in pain management and using pain contracts as a way to prevent abuse. There were also speakers from the Iowa Prescription Monitoring Program, a lieutenant from the Johnson County Sheriffs office, a compounding pharmacist, and a lawyer from a Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals.  Currently, there are challenges to developing a national prescription monitoring database so the PMP is working to develop a program with bordering states and then hopefully expand to other states. The compounding pharmacist spoke about how he does not accept insurance but rather patients pay him directly and then the patients can submit the claim to their insurance company.  He is able to do this by establishing his compounding business as a separate corporation. The lawyer was very interesting as he discussed opiod use from a manufacturers perspective and all the efforts their company is involved in to reduce drug abuse. One such effort is creating dummy medications with no active pharmaceutical ingredient and loaning them to law enforcement for drug busts. I am glad to see that even manufacturers are thinking about this issue and I really enjoyed hearing from all the other speakers.