November 23, 2012

Community Engagement - KATY’S KIDS

Volunteering (11-15-2012)

Volunteering for Katy’s Kids at Weber Elementary school was a really fun experience. Katy’s kids is a poison and drug abuse prevention programmed aimed at elementary school kids.  Katy is a kangaroo and the key concepts she teaches the kids are:
·         Medicine can be dangerous if not taken correctly
·         Pharmacists are medication experts and are available to answer any medication questions
·         Medicine is not candy
·         Never take medicine meant for someone else
·         Medicine should be taken only when you are sick or to keep you well
·         Only your parents or adults you know should give you medicine
First the kids watched an interactive video which I presented and talked throughout as needed.  I also prompted the kids to say hi to Katy the Kangaroo in the video and prompted the kids to interact as needed throughout the video.  The kids were really receptive to the video and the presentation.  After the presentation I told them that they had been such good listeners that Katy has come to visit them.  Another student pharmacist was in a Katy suit and she gave the kids high fives and hugs.  Overall the kids really enjoyed it and I loved interacting with the kids.  It was a lot of fun!