October 26, 2012

Conferences & Meetings - Iowa Pharmacy Association College Night

Iowa Pharmacy Association
College Night (9-12-2012)

 News Photo

Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) college night was an event that I attended at the beginning of the semester. I remembered how great of an event it was and decided to share. The event was held at the Coralville Marriot and had both students and faculty from the college of pharmacy. The event was aimed for students to learn about the Iowa Pharmacy Association and how to be involved with the organization. IPA offers several ways for students to be involved.  These include volunteering for the house of delegates, policy committees, advisory board, board of trustees, pharmacy recovery network, and katy’s kids. Students can also apply to attend the student leadership conference, do an IPPE4 rotation, or do a summer internship with IPA.  IPA also has annual meetings and legislative day.  For legislative day, students go to the Iowa State capitol in Des Moines to interact with their government representatives.  I enjoyed learning about all these great opportunities but I especially liked the event because it gave me to the chance to interact with classmates I haven’t talked to yet. I still continue to meet people I haven’t seen before in my class but hopefully by the end of the semester as I continue to stay involved in the pharmacy organizations, I will have had a chance to interact with everyone in my pharmacy class.  I feel fortunate to be attending pharmacy school at the University of Iowa and to be in a state with such a great pharmacy association.